Personal trainers at Yeovil Houndstone Retail Park
Personal Trainers
Alexander Lyle
Postural correctionBespoke planPersistent motivationSpecial populationsNutritional guidanceInjury prevention and rehabilitationHarvey Holt
Bespoke planPersistent motivationWeight lossBody confidenceJordan Maguire-Drew
Weight lossSport specific trainingMuscle tone and developmentLauren Evans
Strength and conditioningMuscle tone and developmentBody confidenceLewis Guest
Sport specific trainingMuscle tone and developmentInjury prevention and rehabilitationMegan Crowe
Weight lossStrength and conditioningSport specific trainingNutritional guidanceInjury prevention and rehabilitationNathan PT
Strength and conditioningNutritional guidanceMuscle tone and developmentVioleta Kallos
Strength and conditioningSport specific trainingFunctional specialist